New Year; new list?

Madhumita Prabhakar
2 min readJan 4, 2021

I am a compulsive list maker. No, I really mean it. I have lists for everything you can possibly imagine that go way beyond the usual daily to-do and grocery shopping lists. I feel like it gives a certain structure to my thoughts and my wants and needs, and I literally cannot function without them. But this article is not for the purpose of selling you the idea of starting your own endless lists (although I don’t think you will regret it!), but more so focused on one particular type of list that I love the most, and I think is extremely valuable for all — a list of short and long term goals.

Have you ever had a random idea, and then thought, ‘Nah, I can’t really do that’? Same. How often have you actually made a note of it and then thought ‘Okay, let me see where and how I can fit that into my plan’? With the start of a new and hopeful year, I believe it is imperative that we all actively take some time out to sit back and think of all the things we want to do and achieve for ourselves, in the short and long term. I have mentioned a couple of points below (and no surprise here, it’s a list!) that just might help in the process:

  1. Write it down. However big or small, and however silly and unachievable you may think it sounds (at the moment), write each and every goal down in a diary/ type it down in your phone, anything. Once you consciously do that, a step forward has already been taken towards that goal.
  2. Think all round development. Split these goals into a couple of sections, depending on what matters to you the most. For example, for myself, that is — career, self-learning, mindfulness/ spiritual and personal hobbies — this helps you balance your goals and ensure you are leading yourself towards holistic growth.
  3. Time and track. Also split the goals by time — 6 month/ 1 year/ 5 year — whatever suits you best. This gives added structure to your goals and enables you to focus on the right ones at the right time. Further, actively track them against your time scale.
  4. Break it down. For those bigger and more complex goals, break them down into smaller milestone goals that you can tackle and track easier.
  5. Celebrate. Truly celebrate every single one of your goals achieved and graciously tick it off your list! Not only will you feel great, but that will definitely give you added motivation to keep going!
  6. Be flexible. Finally, always remember that change is constant, and naturally, you could find certain goals changing over time. The beauty of making your own lists for yourself is that you can always go back to them and amend them to suit the circumstances.

I hope you all have a happy, healthy and wonderful new year! And oh, happy list-making!



Madhumita Prabhakar

Financial services. Ardent traveler/solo-tripper. Wellness enthusiast. Sharing my honest thoughts and experiences — here to inspire!💫